We are looking with great expectation for the great miracles God has reserved for us during 2011. Every year our church fasts and prays during the 21 days before Easter. And each year God brings amazing breakthroughs in our lives as we draw closer to Him through fasting combined with prayer.
Last year many people experienced many miracles because of their involvement in our fast challenge. The following testimony is one of many...
To be honest, I wasn't too excited about doing this fast. But I felt in my heart that I had to do this for my 7 year old son. He was diagnosed few years ago with issues related to ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD. One of the manifestations of Autism was his inability to communicate verbally. Even though he could speak and repeat few words, he was incapable to have a basic conversation. Our family has been praying for a breakthrough for the last few years, but nothing seemed to work. In the middle of the fast, God opened a door to provide our son with a promising cutting edge therapy. We had no financial means to pay for this expensive treatment, but somehow God provided all the funds. After several months, our son was able to communicate verbally and have small conversation with us. But the best part of the miracle was to hear him pray for the first time, thanking God for his recovery. God is certainly faithful!
I would definitely recommend anyone who is in need of a major breakthrough in their lives to accept the challenge and join the church during these 21 days of fasting and prayer.
Is the Daniel Fast Being Hijacked?
9 years ago